  设为首页建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,北京景观手绘培训,建筑手绘培训  加入收藏  建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,景观手绘培训,南京建筑手绘培训English  华元手绘搜狐官方微博 南京建筑快题,南京手绘培训,南京快题设计,南京景观手绘培训,南京建筑手绘培训 
  2024年第135期寒假全国营招生(南京营)建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,园林手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 快题方案C/D班建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,环艺手绘培训,建筑手绘培训训 本期已报名名单建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,室内手绘培训,建筑手绘培训  
  135期(广州营)         135期(北京营)建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,工业手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 预报名金支付办法 学员领取教材  
  135期(上海营)         135期(西安营) 第39期全国营生活花絮 华元历届考研高分榜  
首页 建筑快题,手绘培训,建筑快题设计,景观手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 关于华元 建筑快题,南京手绘培训,快题设计,景观手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 资讯中心 建筑快题,南京手绘培训,快题设计,景观手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 招生简章 建筑快题,北京手绘培训,快题设计,景观手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 课程体系 建筑快题,景观手绘培训,快题设计,景观手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 教学成果 建筑快题,手绘培训,景观快题设计,景观手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 作品展示 建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,南京景观手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 学员风采 景观建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,景观手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 网上报名 建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,景观手绘培训,南京建筑手绘培训 联系我们 建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,景观手绘培训,南京建筑手绘培训 资料下载
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CALLISON (CHINA) - 凯里森建筑事务所(中国)诚聘
作者/来源:华元手绘(北京)        发布时间:2012/12/31 20:23:39        浏览次数:14766次
Join Callison (China)

Callison (China), a joint venture between the international architecture firm Callison and one of the leading Beijing based architecture and design firms HAYA Architects, was founded in September, 2010 in Beijing. We provide full architectural and retail design services supporting the demands of the fastest growing economy in the world.

Callison, one of the world’s leading retail design firms, has been actively practicing in the China market for more than 20 years. Callison’s signature projects in China include Grand Gateway, Yueda 889, Greenland Riverfront CBD in Shanghai and The MIXc centers in Hangzhou and Chengdu.

The newly-established Beijing office along with the existing Shanghai office (which was set up in 2004) have nearly 300 professional designers under Callison (China)’s operation.

Callison is an international architecture firm specializing in urban planning, mixed-use, retail, corporate, hospitality, residential, and healthcare in markets worldwide. With offices in Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Shanghai, London, Dubai and Mexico City, Callison is one of the largest design firms based in the United States with 800 professional staff.

Rankings & Awards
· 2011 World Architecture One of the 20 largest design firms all over the world
· 2003 – 2008 World Architecture #1 in retail design
· 2007 – 2008 Building Design & Construction Third largest commercial design firm
· 2003 - 2005, 2007-2009 VM+SD First in retail design
· 2003 – 2009 Display & Design Ideas First in retail design
· 2011 Asia Pacific Property Awards Highly recommended in Retail Architecture The MixC, Hangzhou China
· 2008 ICSC Asia Silver Award Trinoma Manila, Philippines
· ICSC Award of Merit – Innovative Design & Development Southlands
· Aurora, Colorado

We welcome talented professionals to join Callison in Shanghai or Beijing, An energetic and friendly working environment with great opportunities. Please send your cover letter, resume, 1-2 work samples (2MB in size), and compensation expectation to beijing.job@callison.com or shanghai.job@callison.com. Please make sure to identify which position you are applying.

Our website: www.callison.com





· 2011 World Architecture (《世界建筑设计》)世界建筑设计事务所排名前20
· 2003 – 2008 World Architecture (《世界建筑设计》)商业零售建筑设计排名第一
· 2003 - 2005, 2007 – 2009VM+SD(《视觉商品与商店设计》)商业零售建筑设计排名第一
· 2003 – 2009Display & Design Ideas(《展示与设计理念》)商业零售建筑设计排名第一
· 2011 杭州万象城 PROPERTY AWARDS 亚太区商业建筑荣誉推荐奖
· 2010 杭州西溪印象城中购联中国购物中心2010年度设计创新奖
· 2008 菲律宾马尼拉Trinoma ICSC Asia (亚洲国际购物中心协会)银奖
·美国科罗拉多州Southlands Aurora ICSC(国际购物中心协会)特殊贡献奖 – 创新设计开发嘉奖


1、Vice General Manager
Beijing & Shanghai, China

· Bachelor or above in architecture, urban design or engineering related major. More than 12 years of work experience in architectural design. Candidates with international education and work experience are preferred.
· Excellent design techniques, project management and leadership etc. Minimum 5 years of business experience in a senior management role.
· Ability to work effectively within a collaborative team environment.
· Ability to complete tasks with accuracy and with strong attention to detail.
· Ability to work with integrity, trust and commitment, setting an example for others.
· Requires strong interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate clearly, concisely and effectively
· Proficiency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
· Excellent communication skill and presentation skill
· Outstanding organizational, coordination and learning capabilities, with keen insights.

2、Architectural Project Manager
Beijing & Shanghai, China

Essential Duties and Responsibilities: (other duties may be assigned)

· Works with client to establish project requirements and project approach.
· Ensures that all required information for design and planning is obtained.
· Partners with others (such as the Business Development Manager and Managing Principal) in managing the client/firm relationship and all contractor arrangements.
· Works closely with designers and the project architect in establishing the project schedule, technical requirements, and time and hour budgets;may select, or participate in selecting, team members.
· Directs and reviews the work of project team members, provides performance feedback, ensures team members’ skills and project requirements are appropriately matched.
· Researches and resolves problems; monitors project budget, schedule, and scope of work; negotiates fee changes as necessary;is accountable for the quality of the work performed, client satisfaction and project profitability.
· SupportsCallison standards in project delivery and financial management.
· Reviews client billing and does A/R follow-up as necessary.
· Will review the construction drawings of local architects and provide guidance and/or input as needed.
· May act as the Beijing and Shanghai office technical manager in overseeing the planning, scheduling and indexing of drawings consistent with firm standards
· Assists in marketing efforts as requested to secure additional projects with existing clients and to expand current client base.
· May participate in preparation of proposals and may assist in presentation to the client and in contract negotiation.
· Bachelors or Masters Degree in Architecture or related field.
· Architectural licensure highly desirable.
· Fluency in written and spoken in English and Mandarin is required
· Minimum of 10 years experience as a professional architect with at least 5 years of experience with Western-culture projects.
· Minimum of 5 years managing multiple accounts and projects (retail preferred) and related staff.
· Advanced knowledge of construction materials, standards and codes.
· CADD proficiency desired.
· Ability to work effectively within a collaborative team environment.
· Ability to complete tasks with accuracy and with strong attention to detail.
· Ability to consistently meet deadlines, completing tasks as previously defined.
· Ability to work with integrity, trust and commitment, setting an example for others.
· Requires strong interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate clearly, concisely and effectively;both verbally and in writing.

3、Project Architect
Beijing & Shanghai, China

Essential Duties and Responsibilities: (other duties may be assigned)

· Identifies objectives and formulates options;conceptualizes total project and establish key work priorities for development of design, scheduling and budgeting.
· Prepares designs, working drawings, specifications and cost estimates for projects;initiates and develops design and construction documents for projects.
· Interprets design concepts by partnering with Senior Designer and translates them into workable construction systems; evaluates alternatives to develop solutions;maintains quality technical and design control.
· Coordinates/leads the work of architecture and interior design staff that complete design or production work, and construction documents.
· Coordinates and communicates regularly with managers, consultants, and team members regarding project status;ensures work meets clients’ requirements, is timely and completed within budget.
· Maintains records to document phases of client/architect/contractor relationship and activities.
· May perform a variety of architectural/ interior staff level duties as needed and depending on the scope of the project.
· May work with client to confirm objectives and formulate options;may prepare and conduct design and technical presentations for team and/or clients.
· May participate in marketing efforts, including presentations.
· May require domestic travel to visit clients and/or project sites.
· Bachelors or Masters degree in Architecture or related field.
· Minimum five years experience as an architect.
· Architectural license desired.
· Thorough knowledge of construction materials, standards and codes.
· CADD proficiency required;hand sketching ability preferred.
· Minimum two years previous supervisory and personnel management desired. May be required depending upon studio assignment.
· Ability to communicate clearly and concisely;both verbally and in writing.
· Demonstrated ability to effectively create presentations and communicate concepts to clients and associates using various software applications.
· Ability to work effectively within a collaborative team environment.
· Ability to complete tasks with accuracy and with strong attention to detail.
· Ability to consistently meet deadlines, completing tasks as previously defined.
· Ability to work with integrity, trust and commitment, setting an example for others.
· Ability to travel as needed.

4、Senior Architect
Beijing & Shanghai, China

· Bachelor degree or above in architecture or urban planning from a top Chinese university or a reputable overseas university.
· At least 9 years experience from a foreign-invested architectural firm or a Class-A design institute.
· Experience in leading or participating in the design of large mixed-use retail projects;expertise in design organization management and the ability to accurately comprehend the project and the owner’s demand, with good communication and coordination skills.
· Excellent design techniques and graphic skills.
· At least 5 years experience in the whole process of architectural design (program, preliminary design and shop drawing).
· A passion for architecture, excellent scheme creation and architectural creativity capability, with a keen intellect and active thinking.
· Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
· Proficiency in CAD and Photoshop, with proficiency in Revit and Indesign preferred.
· Proficiency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
· Class-I Registrated Architect or equivalent professional certificate from overseas are preferred.

5、Intermediate Architect
Beijing & Shanghai, Chinav

· Bachelor degree or above in architecture or urban planning from a top Chinese university or a reputable overseas university.
· At least 5 years experience from a foreign-invested architectural firm or a Class-A design institute.
· Experience in the design of large mixed-use retail projects or large-scale projects. Ability to comprehend the project and the owner’s demand, with service spirit and good communication and coordination skills.
· Excellent design techniques and graphic skills.
· At least 3 years experience in the whole process of architectural design (program, preliminary design and shop drawing).
· A passion for architecture, excellent scheme creation and architectural creativity capability, with a keen intellect and active thinking.
· Proficiency in CAD and Photoshop, with proficiency in Revit and Indesign are preferred.
· Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
· Proficiency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
· Class-I Registrated Architect or equivalent professional certificate from overseas are preferred.

6、Junior Architect
Beijing & Shanghai, China

· Bachelor degree or above in architecture or urban planning from a top Chinese university or a reputable overseas university.
· At least 2 years experience from a foreign-invested architectural firm or a Class-A design institute.
· Experience in leading or participating in the design of large-scale projects.
· A passion for architecture, with a keen intellect and active thinking.
· Excellent design techniques and graphic skills.
· Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
· Proficiency in CAD, Photoshop and Office applications.
· Fluent in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
Professional certificates are preferred.

7、Senior Architect – High-rise Building Design
Beijing & Shanghai, China

· Bachelor degree or above in architecture or urban planning from top Chinese universities or reputable overseas universities.
· At least five years experience in high-rise building projects, involving in core & shell design and bidding process.
· Familiar with the Chinese high-rise building codes, with the ability to coordinate with structure and MEP engineers and engineering consultants, and with experience in construction administration.
· Excellent design techniques and graphic skills.
· Proficiency in CAD, Photoshop and Indesign, preferably familiar with parametric 3D design softwares including Revit, Rhino and Grasshopper.
· Dedicated and responsible with a good teamwork spirit.
· Proficiency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.

8、Architect (Residential)
Beijing & Shanghai, China

· Bachelor degree or above in architecture or urban planning from a top Chinese university or a reputable overseas university.
· At least 5 years experience from a foreign-invested architectural firm or a Class-A design institute.
· Experience in leading or participating in the design of large residential projects;the ability to accurately comprehend the project and the owner’s demand, with good communication and coordination skills.
· Excellent design techniques and graphic skills.
· At least 5 years experience in the whole process of architectural design (program, preliminary design and shop drawing).
· A passion for architecture, excellent scheme creation and architectural creativity capability, with a keen intellect and active thinking.
· Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
· Proficiency in CAD and Photoshop, with proficiency in Revit and Indesign preferred.
· Proficiency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
· Class-I Registrated Architect or equivalent professional certificate from overseas preferred.


10、Senior Urban Designer
Beijing & Shanghai, China

· Bachelor degree or above in architecture or urban planning from a top Chinese university or a reputable overseas university.
· At least 9 years experience from a foreign-invested architectural firm or a Class-A design institute.
· Experience in the design of large mixed-use planning projects;expertise in design organization management and the ability to accurately comprehend the project and the owner’s demand, with good communication and coordination skills.
· Excellent design techniques and graphic skills.
· At least 5 years experience in the whole process of architectural design (program, preliminary design and shop drawing).
· A passion for urban design, excellent scheme creation and architectural creativity capability, with a keen intellect and active thinking.
· Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
· Proficiency in CAD and Photoshop, with proficiency in Revit and Indesign preferred.
· Proficiency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
· Holding both Architecture and Urban design degree is preferred.

11、Intermediate Urban Designer
Beijing & Shanghai, China

· Bachelor degree or above in architecture or urban planning from a top Chinese university or a reputable overseas university.
· 5 ~ 9 years experience from a foreign-invested architectural firm or a Class-A design institute.
· Experience in the design of large mixed-use planning projects. Ability to comprehend the project and the owner’s demand, with service spirit and good communication and coordination skills.
· Excellent design techniques and graphic skills.
· A passion for urban design, excellent scheme creation and architectural creativity capability, with a keen intellect and active thinking.
· Proficiency in CAD and Photoshop, with proficiency in Revit and Indesign preferred.
· Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
· Proficiency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
· Holding both Architecture and Urban design degree is preferred.

12、Junior Urban Designer
Beijing & Shanghai, China

· Bachelor degree or above in architecture or urban planning from a top Chinese university or a reputable overseas university.
· 2 ~ 5 years experience from a foreign-invested architectural firm or a Class-A design institute.
· Experience in leading or participating in the design of mixed-use projects.
· A passion for urban design, with a keen intellect and active thinking.
· Excellent design techniques and graphic skills.
· Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
· Proficiency in CAD, Photoshop and Office applications.
· Fluent in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
Professional certificates preferred.

13、Project Manager – Specialty Retail
Beijing & Shanghai, China

Essential Duties and Responsibilities: (other duties may be assigned)

·Works with clients to identify objectives and formulate options; conceptualizes total project and establishes key work priorities for development of design, scheduling and budgeting.
·Communicates and strategizes by partnering with local and remote project teams and translates project objectives into workable solutions; evaluates alternatives, and maintains quality technical and design control. Manage workbook setup, fee split negotiation and review ERP system.
·Prepares designs, working drawings, specifications and labor cost estimates for projects; initiates and develops design and construction documents for projects.
·Maintains records to document phases of client/architect/contractor relationship and activities.
·Train and manage the work of other architectural and with interior design staff.
·Provides expertise in a specific project type to team members, client, consultants, and contractors.
·Negotiates contracts with clients; assist in the selection of consultants and negotiate fee and contract arrangements.
·Assist in collection of past due accounts receivables and payment related issues.
·May participate in marketing efforts, including presentations, meeting with clients.
·College-level degree in Architecture or related field required.
·10 years experience as a professional architect required, including at least three years as a Project Architect.
·One year minimum previous supervisory and personnel management required.
·Ability to work effectively within a collaborative team environment.
·Ability to complete tasks with accuracy and with strong attention to detail.
·Ability to consistently meet deadlines, completing tasks as previously defined.
·Ability to work with integrity, trust and commitment, setting an example for others.
·Accomplished ability with Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, CAD, Acrobat, InDesign, PDF and Project.

14、Senior Interior Designer
Beijing & Shanghai, China

Essential Duties and Responsibilities: (other duties may be assigned)

· Defines program requirements and establishes interior design parameters based on client requirements.
· Generates and develops overall interior design concepts;formulates design presentation strategies and makes presentations.
· Manages interior design process for entire project consistent with project’s program, budget and time constraints;leads/directs the work of other interior designers and technical staff.
· Leads/coordinates color/material selection, interior construction administration and installation.
· Manages project budget and schedules related to interior design team efforts.
· Manages client interaction and decisions related to interior design.
· Negotiates contracts with clients as appropriate;may assist in the selection of consultants and negotiates fee and contract arrangements.
· Participates in business development activities as needed.
· Bachelor degree or above in architecture, interior design, environmental design or fine arts from a top Chinese university or a reputable overseas university.
· At least 9 years experience from a foreign-invested architectural firm or a large Class-A design institute.
· Experience in leading or participating in the design of large-scale projects, department store, and specialty retail with strong project design operation management, the ability to comprehend the project and the owner’s demand, and good communication and coordination skills.
· Ability to develop conceptual design, schematic design, design development, and production.
· Excellent project management capability, with at least 3 years project management experience.
· Strong interior design capability and the ability to mentor team members and offer guidance.
· Proficiency in 3DMax, Photoshop, PowerPoint, AutoCAD, Coreldraw, SketchUp, InDesign and Revit, etc.
· Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
· Proficiency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
· Design experience in large mixed-use projects, shopping centers and luxury brands are preferred.

15、 Intermediate Interior Designer
Beijing & Shanghai, China

· Bachelor degree or above in architecture, interior design, environmental design or fine arts.
· At least 5 years experience from a foreign-invested architectural firm or a large Class-A design institute.
· Design experience in large retail projects.
· Enthusiasm in design, with a spirit of creativity and strong learning capability.
· Ability to develop conceptual design, schematic design, design development, and production.
· Strong interior design capability and the ability to mentor team members and offer guidance.
· Proficiency in 3DMax, Photoshop, PowerPoint, AutoCAD, Coreldraw, SketchUp, InDesign and Revit, etc.
· Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
· Fluency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
· Design experience in large mixed-use projects, shopping centers and luxury brands preferred.

16、Junior Interior Designer
Beijing & Shanghai, China
· Bachelor degree or above in architecture, interior design, environmental design or fine arts.
· At least 2 years experience from a foreign-invested architectural firm or a Class-A design institute, with design experience in retail projects.
· Enthusiasm in design, with a spirit of creativity and strong learning capability.
· Proficiency in 3DMax, Photoshop, PowerPoint, AutoCAD, Coreldraw, SketchUp and InDesign, with experience of Revit a plus.
· Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
· Fluency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
· Design experience in large mixed-use projects, shopping centers and luxury brands preferred.

17、Graphic Designer
Beijing & Shanghai, China

· Work on signage & way-finding system design, interior & exterior.
· Designs and produces a wide range of marketing materials including presentations, announcements, brochures and web components using PowerPoint, graphic boards, proposals, charts, graphs or other media,.
· Develops collateral material and templates, working within an established system.
· Interprets and applies brand standards consistently to all materials produced.
· Collaborates with internal clients to develop graphic design approaches for materials, programs, and presentations necessary to accomplish marketing/business plan goals.

北京&上海, 中国


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薛  * 英国纽卡斯尔大学         景观 出国
姚萌* 美国萨凡纳艺术与设计学院 产品 出国
何雅* 浙江大学                 建筑 保研
王振* 同济大学                 建筑 保研
鞠  * 同济大学                 建筑 保研
邬  * 上海交通大学             建筑 保研
姚  * 南京工业大学             建筑 保研
焦李* 东南大学                 建筑 保研
黄  * 东南大学                 建筑 保研
周雪* 东南大学                 建筑 保研
何晶* 东南大学                 建筑 保研
汪妍* 东南大学                 建筑 保研
孙  * 华南理工大学             建筑 保研
刘津* 北方工业大学             建筑 保研
郭  * 合肥工业大学             景观 保研
张莹* 合肥工业大学             建筑 保研
申  * 苏州大学                 环艺 保研
宋  * 南京林业大学             环艺 保研
綦少* 合肥工业大学             艺设 保研

刘建* 清华大学       建筑 快题122
李  * 重庆大学       建筑 快题135
张艺* 重庆大学       建筑 快题135
郑常* 华南理工大学   建筑 快题128分(初试第一名)
毕懋* 东南大学       建筑 快题145分(初试第一名)
戴  * 东南大学       建筑 快题140分(初复试第一名)
原雅* 东南大学       规划 快题138分(初试第一名)
宋  * 东南大学       建筑 快题130分(初试第一名)
吴子* 东南大学       规划 快题140分(初试第一名)
陆  * 厦门大学       建筑 快题135分(初复试第一名)
李永* 深圳大学       规划 快题128分(初试第一名)
张佳* 青岛理工大学   建筑 快题142分(初试第一名)
言  * 华中科技大学   建筑 快题140分(初试第一名)
聂  * 西南交通大学   建筑 快题130分(初试第一名)
郑司* 合肥工业大学   景观 快题135分(初试第一名)
汪  * 合肥工业大学   建筑 快题138分(初复试第一名)
蒋宇* 合肥工业大学   规划 快题132分(初试第一名)
陶  * 安徽建筑工业学院 规划 快题138分(初试第一名)

雷以* 同济大学       建筑 快题130分(初试第二名)
张彦* 上海交通大学   建筑 快题134分(初试第二名)
查旸* 南京林业大学   景观 快题126分(初试第二名)
关玉* 南京林业大学   景观 快题126分(初试第二名)

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