  设为首页建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,北京景观手绘培训,建筑手绘培训  加入收藏  建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,景观手绘培训,南京建筑手绘培训English  华元手绘搜狐官方微博 南京建筑快题,南京手绘培训,南京快题设计,南京景观手绘培训,南京建筑手绘培训 
  2024年第135期寒假全国营招生(南京营)建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,园林手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 快题方案C/D班建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,环艺手绘培训,建筑手绘培训训 本期已报名名单建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,室内手绘培训,建筑手绘培训  
  135期(广州营)         135期(北京营)建筑快题,手绘培训,快题设计,工业手绘培训,建筑手绘培训 预报名金支付办法 学员领取教材  
  135期(上海营)         135期(西安营) 第39期全国营生活花絮 华元历届考研高分榜  
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作者/来源:华元手绘(北京)        发布时间:2012/12/19 22:01:57        浏览次数:10174次

2001 年,logon罗昂成立于德国。自那以来,logon罗昂顺应市场需求,逐步发展成为一家能够提供量身定制的整体解决方案的设计公司。我们认识到中国市场 需要具有高回报率的设计,以及对高质量施工设计的持续增长需求,logon罗昂从2001年开始参与中国的项目,为私人投资商和政府提供建筑设计和城市规 划设计服务。为了推动在中国大陆业务的发展,logon罗昂上海分公司于2005年成立,柯复南和王芳为合伙人。现在,logon罗昂的总员工人数已经超 过50个。

自成立以来,logon罗昂始终秉承设计能够真正满足用户的需求这一愿景。我们以德国的方法和质量标准进行设计,同时通过公司内logon lab部门的调研预知相关需求,从而使我们的愿景得以实现。



如果你认为自己就是罗昂正在寻找的人才,请将你的自荐信随同中英文的简历、作品集(PDF格式,附件请小于2M)和期望薪资发送至 hr-shanghai@logon-architecture.com。请注意,由于我们收到的申请数量繁多,我们只会与符合我司职位要求的申请者进一步联系。想要了解更多关于罗昂的信息可以登陆我们的网站 www.logon-architecture.com


4、完美运用3dmax 和photoshop
5、会使autoCAD, revit, sketchup

















-会使用autoCAD, office 及其他相关软件

■资深建筑师/项目经理 (外籍或中国籍)

资深建筑师扮演着项目经理的角色,管理、组织并协调项目小组及小组任务以按时保质地完成建筑设计项目,负责确保施工图设计成果能忠实体现原设计意图,并负责监督项目 的时间及预算安排。另外还须负责解决复杂的技术/设计问题以指导团队。同时,资深建筑师还需协调小组成员与其他组织间的合作、交流;熟练专业地把甲方 对结构功能和空间的要求和意图转化为可实施的设计解决方案,最后为概念设计汇报及汇报成果准备草图,设计图纸,及建筑节点设计,期间接受管理责任并向设计总监汇报

-能使用autoCAD, sketchup, indesign, photoshop, microsoft office



■技术建筑师 (中国籍)

技术建筑师作为项目团队里的主要施工图设计人员,应独立地完成分配的任务。其最初的职责是独立地完成方案,扩出和施工图阶段的设计工作。另外技术建筑师的主要工作是通过技术将概念和想法实施,并确保获政 府部门批准。

-熟练使用autoCAD ,并会使用Revit, Sketchup, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator

■助理建筑师 (中国籍)

助理建筑师需具备设计的能力,掌握项目基础设施结构的细部和了解国内的基础设施规范。助理建筑师需辅助建筑师在团队内部及团队外部之间的沟通。他/她应有 深化概念,准备设计及图纸,制作模型的能力。另外,助理建筑师的职责还包括记录会议纪要、准备资料和文件,协助建筑师整合和核算其所需要的数据。

-熟练使用Autocad,会使用Photoshop 者优先

■项目建筑师 (外籍或中国籍)

项目建筑师作为项目小组里的主要设计师应独立完成全部分配的工作任务,包括竞赛项目,方案及扩初文件的 设计。项目建筑师在项目负责人的指导下能独立地解决技术和设计上的问题。作为项目小组的一员,能从概念设计草图,到工作模型制作最后到汇报文件的文字撰写 都承担相应的工作责任。

-精通auto CAD, 会使用Revit, Sketchup, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Microsoft Office









■建筑实习生 (中国籍)


logon is a German-based international design office that specializes in integrating urban planning, architecture and landscape disciplines to provide solutions perfectly tailored to the given location and context.

The roots of logon in Germany date back to 2001. Since then, as demand has grown for full-service tailored solutions, so has logon. Identifying a maturing need for profitable, high quality construction design within the Chinese market, logon began to work in China in 2001 as an architecture and urban design service provider to private, and public (national or governmental) investors. To facilitate developing business in China mainland, 2005 marked the opening of the logon Shanghai office by entrepreneurs Frank Krueger and Wang Fang. Today, more than 50 full-time staff work at logon Shanghai.

Since its beginnings, logon has upheld its vision to design to truly embrace the needs of the end-user. This vision is enabled namely thanks to the use of German processes and quality standards but also to the commitment of logon to continuously preempt needs, namely through the research work of the in-house logon lab.

Currently, the Shanghai design office provides a full-service offering in a wide range of architectural sectors, and has successfully participated in over 200 projects all across China.

We are expanding continuously and are looking for proactive talents to join our creative design team for our Shanghai office.

If you feel that you are the person we are looking for, email hr-shanghai@logon-architecture.com your cover letter along with your resume, samples of your design(in PDF, size of the attachment please be less than 2M) and your salary expectation for consideration. We appreciate applications in both Chinese and English language. Please note, due to the extensive number of applications we receive, only considered candidates will be contacted for further discussion. To learn more about logon visit our website at www.logon-architecture.com

We look forward to hearing from you!

■3D Artist

The 3D Artists work together to create outstanding renderings. they cooperate closely with the design teams and under the guidance of the 3d manager. quality and logon’s ci are high values.

experience / skills
1、min. 3 years experience
2、advanced computer and software skills
3、knowledge about materials and construction details
4、be perfect in 3dmax and photoshop
5、be able to use autoCAD, revit, sketchup
6、english language skills preferred
7、experience in foreign company preferred

■Project Coordinator

Brief outline

The Project Coordinator assists the Creative Director and the Board to ensure the successful acquisition, execution and completion of projects. He or she needs to assist the Creative Director to define the structure of new projects by setting up time schedules, team arrangements, tasks and deliverables. He or she understands acquisition projects and has to produce project proposals with the help of related departments. The Project Coordinator communicates internally with departments, and externally with clients and third parties about project related matters. The Project Coordinator is at all times informed about the status and progress of projects and takes proper actions. The Project Coordinator reports to the Creative Director and the Board.



- Manage and coordinate the design and technical aspects of projects
- Assist Creative Director to guide, control and monitor the daily work of project teams
- Communicate with project teams and provide updated project information
- Communicate with clients, LDIs and third parties to understand their requirements, and accurately convey the information to the project team
- Communicate with internal departments for project management related matters
- Cooperate closely with Project Administrator for project business related matters
- Inform management about status and progress of projects
- Keep project files and project folders updated
- Coordinate and control deliverables to clients
- Coordinate the project meetings and business trips


- Coordinate and compile project proposals
- Assist Creative Director to define the structure of new project by setting up time schedule, team arrangement and deliverables
- Forward project information to Project Administrator in the design process
- Assist project administration in contracting and contract negotiations
- Join the project meetings and business trips and translate the presentation if necessary


- Write and compile final project reports


- Has education background in architecture, urban planning, or engineering
- Is familiar with the architecture design process, has working experience in project management
- Fluent in Chinese and English in writing and speaking
- Has 5 years more relevant working experience
- Has a strong work commitment and can work independently
- Strong communication and coordination skills
- Be familiar with CAD, InDesign and Office software

■Senior Technical Architect

ensure the compliance of logon’s designs with local rules and regulations; control quality and guide the design teams into dd and cd documentation. train and guide technical architects.

the senior technical architect acts as technical supervisor and supports all the teams to ensure the technical quality of the design goes along with the conceptual strength of logon’s solutions. assist the conceptual designers with technical issues. support teams to complete design development and construction planning documents. provide procedures for problem solutions.

_have excellent knowledge of chinese rules and regulations
_be creative in solving problems and developing solutions
_be familiar with logon’ vision, mission and values, and be able to represent logon
_have knowledge of related disciplines like structural engineering
_be familiar with current technical developments and materials
_have the knowledge of current innovations, clients, markets of design
_have the ability to motivate and train design staff
_be able to communicate with clients on any level
_provide technical guidance and assistance to designers
_ensure the quality of technical documents
_support design directions and concepts
_possess good communication and management skills
_be independent and responsibile
_have social competences like people management and be diplomatic
_believe and will to create new technical solutions
_be in close contact with all senior architects
_be strong to refuse clearance in case of quality problems

experience / skills
_min. 15 years experience in dd and cd documentation
_expertise in design, construction, technology, culture, technical possibilities
_translating concepts and ideas into dd and cd documents
_coordinating work with engineers
_interacting with appropriate government permitting agencies
_willingness to assisting in construction observation work
_excellence knowledge of chinese regulations
_guide and monitor projects to ensure completion of high-quality results in time
_train the project team continuously throughout the development of the project
_english language skill preferred
_experience in foreign company preferred
_registered architect preferred
_autoCAD, office and related software skills

■Senior Architect / Project Manager (international or Chinese national)
location: Shanghai office

The Senior Architect manages, organizes and coordinates project teams and team assignments to complete architectural projects, is responsible for ensuring that production of construction documents are in line with design intent, and is responsible for project schedules and budgets. He/she resolves complex technical/design issues and provides guidance to the team. The senior architect coordinates activity and communication between project team and other disciplines and is proficient at translating clients’ functional and spatial requirements for structures into feasible design solutions, preliminary sketches, working drawings, architectural details for concept design presentations and presentation packages. He/she reports to the Creative Director.

Experience / Skills required
_Bachelor or Master Degree in Architecture, Urban Planning or related field
_min. 5 years working experience
_ability to lead design through all aspects of its execution
_experience coordinating projects
_management of project schedules
_passion for mentoring younger design talent
_ability to work with autoCAD, sketchup, indesign, photoshop, microsoft office
_interacting with appropriate government permitting agencies
_overseas education and work experience a plus

Additional requirements for foreign Senior Architects
_min. 1 year experience in china
_understanding of Chinese client`s habits and requirements
_sincere interest in Chinese culture and traditions
_patience in training and working with Chinese colleagues
_knowledge of Chinese architectural trends and theories
_basic knowledge of Chinese building rules and regulations
_successful candidates may be required to go on business trips

Additional requirements for Chinese Senior Architects
_min. 1 year experience in foreign company
_ability to communicate in English language
_open to new ideas and working procedures
_willing and ability to work in an international team
_knowledge of international architectural trends and theories
_solid knowledge of Chinese building rules and regulations
_solid experience in dd and cd documents
_registered architects preferred

■Technical Architect (Chinese national)
location: Shanghai office

The Technical Architect is responsible for the compliance of concepts and designs in accordance with local rules and regulations. He/She participates in the design process from schematic design to construction documents under the guidance of the project manager. The Technical Architect acts as the main construction designer within the project team and works independently to complete assigned tasks. Primary duties are be the completion of sd, dd and cd documents. The key aspect is to focus on transforming new, unusual concepts and ideas into technical solutions that compliy with local regulations.

Experience / Skills required
_Bachelor or Master Degree in Architecture, Urban Planning, Engineering or related field
_min. 5 years working experience
_experience with relevant government permit agencies
_advanced technical ability and good know how of Chinese rules and regulations
_experience producing construction drawing sets
_communication in English
_autoCAD proficient, revit, sketchup, indesign, photoshop, illustrator experience in foreign company preferred

■Assistant to Senior Architect (Chinese national)
location: Shanghai office

The Assistant to Senior Architect works closely with the Senior Architect in a project team. Main tasks include CAD drawing and organization work, but also to help and learn about team management, time scheduling, communication with clients, information management and exchange, and translations.

Experience / Skills required
_Bachelor or Master Degree in Architecture, Urban Planning, Engineering or related field
_min. 1 years working experience
_solid communication in English language, both oral and written
_autoCAD proficient, revit, sketchup, indesign, photoshop, illustrator
_experience in foreign company preferred
_reliable and trustworthy
_open, friendly, proactive and willing to learn new approaches to design

■Project Architect (international or Chinese national)
location: Shanghai office

The Project Architect acts as a main designer in the project team and works independently to complete assigned tasks. Primary duties will be competition designs, and generating schematic and design development documents. The Project Architect is able to develop technical/design issues independently, guided by the Project Manager. As a part of the project team, be involved from preliminary design sketches, working models up to creating texts and presentations.

Experience / Skills required
_Bachelor or Master Degree in Architecture, Urban Planning or related field
_min. 2 years experience
_team spirit, good communication skills and proactive approach
_creativity in design, sketching, working models and illustrations
_ability and experience to work with CAD, office and layout/presentation software
_prospective candidate should submit samples of design work for qualification

Additional requirements for foreign architects
_min. 1 year experience in China
_sincere interest in Chinese Culture and traditions
_patience in training and working with Chinese colleagues

Additional requirements for Chinese architects
_ability to communicate in English
_open to new ideas and working procedures
_willing and ability to work with foreign (project) architects
_solid experience in Design Development and Construction Design documents
_registered architects preferred

■Assistant to the Chief Technical Officer (ACTO)
location: Shanghai

The responsibility of the Assistant to Chief Technical Officer (Assistant to CTO) is to assist the Chief Technical Officer in accomplishing his daily tasks. The Assistant to CTO is responsible for organizing the CTO’s time schedule, arrange and prepare meetings with project teams, clients and third parties, translate for the CTO during these meetings, file or send out project documents, carry out translations, make travel arrangements, keep the CTO updated, etc. The Assistant to CTO relieves the CTO by taking over administrative and organizational tasks. The Assistant to CTO is the contact person for project teams while the CTO is on business trips. The ACTO reports to the CTO.
_Forward information to the CTO.
_Carry out instructions from the CTO.
_Coordinate the time schedule of the CTO.
_Coordinate the meeting schedule of the CTO.
_Arrange and prepare meetings between the CTO and project teams, clients or third parties.
_Update project journals and be updated.
_Translate documents from Chinese in English and vice versa.
_Translate for the CTO in meetings.
_File project documents or send them out to clients.
_Keep project folders organized.
_Answer emails and phone calls.

_Make travel arrangements for business trips.
_Book tables, meeting rooms, etc for business meetings.

_Wrap up finished project files.

Experience / Skills required:
_excellent communication skills
_high level of english, written and oral, is a must
_high reliability and trustworthy
_fully conversant with drafting in AutoCAD

■Architecture Intern (Chinese)

experience / skills
_College / Bachelor Degree or above in Architecture, Urban Planning or related field
_modest, studious, and have the desire to do better
_high level of english, written and oral
_high reliability and trustworthy
_fully conversant with drafting in Autocad and sketchup, expertise in Photoshop is preferred
_this internship is a full-time position for at least 3 months, and excellent interns are preferential candidates for formal position.

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薛  * 英国纽卡斯尔大学         景观 出国
姚萌* 美国萨凡纳艺术与设计学院 产品 出国
何雅* 浙江大学                 建筑 保研
王振* 同济大学                 建筑 保研
鞠  * 同济大学                 建筑 保研
邬  * 上海交通大学             建筑 保研
姚  * 南京工业大学             建筑 保研
焦李* 东南大学                 建筑 保研
黄  * 东南大学                 建筑 保研
周雪* 东南大学                 建筑 保研
何晶* 东南大学                 建筑 保研
汪妍* 东南大学                 建筑 保研
孙  * 华南理工大学             建筑 保研
刘津* 北方工业大学             建筑 保研
郭  * 合肥工业大学             景观 保研
张莹* 合肥工业大学             建筑 保研
申  * 苏州大学                 环艺 保研
宋  * 南京林业大学             环艺 保研
綦少* 合肥工业大学             艺设 保研

刘建* 清华大学       建筑 快题122
李  * 重庆大学       建筑 快题135
张艺* 重庆大学       建筑 快题135
郑常* 华南理工大学   建筑 快题128分(初试第一名)
毕懋* 东南大学       建筑 快题145分(初试第一名)
戴  * 东南大学       建筑 快题140分(初复试第一名)
原雅* 东南大学       规划 快题138分(初试第一名)
宋  * 东南大学       建筑 快题130分(初试第一名)
吴子* 东南大学       规划 快题140分(初试第一名)
陆  * 厦门大学       建筑 快题135分(初复试第一名)
李永* 深圳大学       规划 快题128分(初试第一名)
张佳* 青岛理工大学   建筑 快题142分(初试第一名)
言  * 华中科技大学   建筑 快题140分(初试第一名)
聂  * 西南交通大学   建筑 快题130分(初试第一名)
郑司* 合肥工业大学   景观 快题135分(初试第一名)
汪  * 合肥工业大学   建筑 快题138分(初复试第一名)
蒋宇* 合肥工业大学   规划 快题132分(初试第一名)
陶  * 安徽建筑工业学院 规划 快题138分(初试第一名)

雷以* 同济大学       建筑 快题130分(初试第二名)
张彦* 上海交通大学   建筑 快题134分(初试第二名)
查旸* 南京林业大学   景观 快题126分(初试第二名)
关玉* 南京林业大学   景观 快题126分(初试第二名)

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